Is the Souping Trend Right for You?

You’ve heard of juicing detoxes and cleanses, but what is the souping trend that’s become so common in recent months? Souping is one of the most popular food trends of 2018, and as the name would suggest you’re going to be eating soups instead of solid foods. But should you try it?
Let’s first discuss why souping has gained so much attention. Much like juicing, souping has become a new trend as should be treated as a temporary cleanse and a way to reset your digestive system.
You will, of course, shed unwanted pounds by souping because you are likely to be ingesting fewer calories with each meal. There is also the fact that you will be combining water with food, and according to CBS, this slows down gastric emptying, meaning you feel full for longer. And according to NDTV Food, studies show that soups (which have a high water content) promote more satiety per calorie than any other meal.
Not eating solid foods means that it’s easier to digest, and this is beneficial for people who have trouble chewing or swallowing. But according to some dieticians, this also gives your digestive system a break.
While juicing may give you an initial energy boost because of the high sugar content, soups offer a more sustained energy. Also, juices are often filled with natural sugars, which causes your blood sugar to spike, whereas soups can reportedly help stabilize blood sugar.
It’s an easy way to get your daily dose of vegetables and may actually increase your fiber intake. Souping is reportedly better for you than juicing (which is not recommended) because it still contains fiber which is otherwise removed in juices. According to CNN Health, dietician Robin Foroutan said, "Soups still contains the whole food, so fiber is still intact, but it's easier to digest because it's cooked."
If you do decide to start a soup cleanse remember that it should only be temporary. Pay close attention to how many calories you are eating per day because some soup diets may be too low in calories, and research soup-based meal plans.
Make smart choices because cream-based soups can be high in calories and saturated fats, Healthy Womenreports.
Lastly, remember that when changing your diet in any way it’s always helpful to chat with a medical professional, such as a dietician or your doctor, first.
